Sunday, June 14, 2009

Hannah Update 1.5.09

We are still here at Children's Hospital and our oncologist just came by to see us. He shared with us that the information we were given about the MRI yesterday in the ER was not exactly correct. Apparently, there is some regrowth of cancer cells in the site of the original tumor, and that is the cause of the symptoms Hannah is having. That area cannot be re-radiated and another surgery is not an option, so we will be continuing with the chemotherapy as planned. He was somewhat concerned that the MRI results did not indicate that the Avastin (the chemo drug) has had any effect yet as far as cutting off the blood supply to the tumors, but he acknowledged that he's never scanned anyone after only one treatment of Avastin. It may take multiple treatments for there to be any effect. He is also going to add in another chemotherapy drug to her treatment plan (Irinotecan), even though her platelet counts are still not as high as he would like for them to be. She is getting platelets right now, and will be getting the chemo drugs also this afternoon. We will spend the night again tonight, and should be coming home tomorrow. She does seem to be feeling better due to the steroids, but she has been sleeping almost around the clock, which the doctor explained is due to the location of the tumor.

As you can imagine, this news has come as quite a blow, but we are comforted by the knowledge that God is in control. We have placed Hannah in His hands, and we know that He loves her even more than we do. Please pray along with us that this chemo treatment today will begin the process of obliterating these cancer cells, and that Hannah's symptoms will begin to decrease. We know that even in the midst of a storm, God is good all the time.

Jill & Brad

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