The Persenaire/Sullivan family has been blessed with some wonderful godly fathers. Here are my girls' great-grandfathers, who were all wonderful Christian men:
John Persenaire
Arthur Kapteyn
Thomas Sullivan
Berne Stahl
John Persenaire was the only great-grandfather that the girls were ever able to meet (although Hannah has met them all now!) Bethany calls him Grandpa Mousie, because he loved to entertain kids by making a "mouse" out his handkerchief. He would get kids to come and "pet the mousie", which would then leap out of his hand with a quick movement of his fingers. He is now in Heaven with Hannah.
The girls have also been blessed with wonderful grandfathers:
Charles Sullivan, and
Tom Persenaire.
Both grandpas are a huge part of the girls' lives, and have been wonderful godly influences. Their spiritual leadership in our homes growing up was a great model for Brad and me. All of their children have grown up to serve the Lord, and their legacy will continue for years to come.
The most important man in my girls' life is their dad.
Brad has been an amazing husband and father to our girls. He's always been a very involved dad...changing diapers, coaching sports teams, "being there" at all their activities. As Hannah's health deteriorated, he took a leave of absence from his job so that he could spend as much time as possible with her. He's a fun dad...always ready to shoot some hoops or play catch with Bethany...and a patient dad...always willing to watch Bethany practice her newest cheer or help her with her homework. Most of all, he's the spiritual leader of our home, and has been our rock through the difficult times of the past year. Bethany and I are so blessed and thankful to have him!
1 comment:
What a wonderful post! Loved all the pictures. Especially of Hannah and Bethany when they were little.
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