Sunday, June 14, 2009

Hannah Update 11.17.08

Hannah's ANC has risen to 144 today, and our oncologist, Dr. Saylors, just came by and said that he is sending us home today! Her platelets have dropped off a little bit, so she will get an infusion of platelets and then we will be ready to go. We will come back to Little Rock on Thursday for our radiation follow-up appointment at CARTI and for bloodwork at the oncology clinic, but until then, we should be able to stay home. Dr. Saylors did say that, if her blood counts will allow, he would like to start her new chemo on Monday. He is anxious to start attacking what's left of these tumors, and we are ready for that next step, even though starting something new is always a little bit nerve-wracking.

I wanted to spend a few minutes talking about Hannah in my update today. I don't usually say much about her personally, because she is a very private person and has been somewhat uncomfortable with so much attention focused on her over the past several months. However, after spending 24 hours a day with her for most of the past two weeks, there are some observations I'd really like to make. Back in February when all of this began, Brad and I (and even Bethany) all said we would trade places with her in a heartbeat. I have no doubt that any of Hannah's grandparents, and even her aunts and uncles, would do the same thing. We would gladly take this burden from her and bear it for her. But we can't. We can walk beside her providing love, comfort, support, encouragement, etc., but when it comes down to it, we cannot carry this weight for her. I am so happy that Brad and I had the privilege of kneeling beside her about ten years ago now, when she asked Jesus Christ to be her Lord and Savior. Because of the decision she made that night, she does not have to carry this burden all alone. And it has been apparent throughout this journey that God has been carrying her...she has faced every medical procedure, every treatment, every needle stick, every new medication, every setback, even the loss of her hair, with a grace and strength far beyond her years. I have stood amazed seeing the hand of God at work in my daughter's life...not because she is anything particularly special on her own (although, of course, we think she is incredibly special!) but because she has simply surrendered herself to His will and plan for her life. There is no other explanation for the faith and peace that she has displayed in every circumstance she has faced up to this point. All we can do is give God the praise and glory for what He is doing in her life, and be thankful for every day He gives us with both of our precious girls. Thank you for walking through this journey along with us and for supporting us with your faithful prayers....we know that God is good, all the time!
"Come onto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30.


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