You may wonder where the name "Anchor of Hope" came from...let me share that with you. Hannah had three really close friends when we lived in El Dorado. We moved from there when she was in the middle of sixth grade, but these girls have remained close through the years. When Hannah was sick, her dear friend, Brittany, found great comfort in the words of Hebrews 6:19: "We have this hope as an anchor for the soul...firm and secure." She, of course, knew of Hannah's prayer for a storm, and the anchor reference in this verse was just so meaningful. She decided to have some necklaces custom-made for these three friends to wear in support of Hannah. A couple of months ago, she had two more made: one for me, and one for Bethany. As you can see, Hebrews 6:19 is engraved on the front of the anchor, and Hannah's name is engraved on the back. You can also clearly see the shape of the cross in the anchor. Notice also the rope chain...perfect for an anchor!

Bethany and I wear our necklaces every day, and are often asked about them, thus giving us the opportunity to share Hannah's story, and we can now also use the opportunity to share about the cancer ministry at our church. Thank you, Brittany (and Tyler & Hayley), for your faithful friendship to Hannah and for allowing God to use you in a way that you would never have suspected!
We are not naive about our involvement in this cancer ministry...we know that it will be difficult and painful for us at times, but we firmly believe that God is in this, and that we are following His leadership in this area. So we know that there will be joy in this journey as well. Please join us in praying that God will guide and direct us as we seek to follow His will in this area, that He will continue to raise up the right people to come alongside us in this effort, and that He will bless those who will be served through this ministry.
I am ecstatic that you two like the necklaces!Countless times I've been asked about my necklace; I never miss a chance to share Hannah's story! I recently went on a youth mission trip to Thunderbay, Ontario where I met youth, as well as adults, from Wisconsin and Minnesota. One girl around my age asked about the necklace. It turned out that her best friend was diagnosed with glioblastoma a month before, so it meant a lot for her to hear of Hannah's faith and of your family's faith through it all. I just love catching a glimpse of divine reasoning!
I'm glad that you love the necklaces as much as I love mine.. and I am also frequently asked about mine!
I am glad I could share that verse with Brittany. Never thought it would be used in the way that it was. It has become one of my favorite verses.
What a perfect name for this ministry! I can't wait to see what God has in store!
How exciting that "Anchors of Hope" ministry has launched! It is so evident that He is all over and in this, and He will guide you, and protect you, and enable you every step of the way. Praying for you every day! love...
What a wonderful ministry!!! We would love to help in any way with this ministry and will certainly be praying for Anchors of Hope to touch many, many lives..just as Hannah's life has touched so many.
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