Saturday, January 26, 2019

Eternally Secure

This post is #166 in a year-long series ... Through this series of posts I plan to share our family's experiences during our 17-year-old daughter's year-long battle with brain cancer, which began in February of 2008. My desire is to process through the events of that year from the perspective that a decade of time has brought ... for myself, really. But if you'd like to follow along, you're welcome to join me.

January 26, 2009

As the days went by, it became more and more apparent that the chemotherapy Hannah was receiving was having very little, if any, effect.  Her oncologist had been searching for a clinical trial or experimental treatment that we could try, but her consistently low platelet levels made her ineligible for any trials.  There was nothing to do medically but continue on the path we were on.

Her earthly future was becoming more and more uncertain, but because of a decision she made when she was a little girl, we could rest in the fact that she was eternally secure.

My email from ten years ago today ...

We just got home from Children's Hospital a little while ago. Hannah's platelets were at 56,000 today, which is pretty good, but they went ahead and gave her an infusion anyway. Thankfully, it was high enough that we don't have to return until Thursday, which will be a nice break. We did find out that her ANC count (immunity level) has dropped back down to 500, which is right at the borderline for required isolation. We'll have to be very careful not to expose her to any illnesses, which can be difficult at this time of the year! This drop is probably due to the chemo treatment she received last Tuesday. We allowed Bethany to miss a day of school today to accompany us to Children's Hospital, so she could experience just a little taste of what Hannah goes through while she's at school all day. I think Hannah enjoyed having her along for the day.

Hannah continues to struggle with her vision, her balance, and extreme fatigue. Even though we have not yet seen a positive response to the chemotherapy treatments, God has been faithful to fill us with His peace. We know without a doubt that He is in control and that His love for Hannah and for us surpasses our knowledge. We placed her in His hands before she was born, and we know that she is eternally secure because of the decision she made to accept Christ as her Savior many years ago. And because of this knowledge, we can continue to say that God is good, all the time.

Jill and Brad

"...that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height— to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory..." Ephesians 3:17-21

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm reminded of the observation of a wise woman about 10 years ago: She said, "Hannah wins either way!".