Monday, July 7, 2014

Monday Mourning -- The Highest Form of Love

This past Sunday, we had the opportunity to visit a rather large church where we set up a table with information about While We're Waiting and handed out brochures to those who were interested in learning more about the ministry.  We spent some time visiting with one of the pastors of this church who had lost his wife to cancer several years ago.  

This gentleman was very interested in While We're Waiting and the fact that its outreach is specifically to parents who have lost children, unlike other grief ministries which are more broadly focused, addressing all types of loss equally.

He said that, in his opinion, the loss of a child is a unique type of loss ... something different from any other ... and, as such, it needs to be addressed differently.  Which, of course, is exactly the need that While We're Waiting is seeking to meet.

Then he went on to say something that really struck me.  He said, "In fact, the bond between a parent and child is so strong, that is why I believe God chose to use that relationship to demonstrate His love for us.  When He gave up His own Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for our sins, He was showing the highest form of love."

It's worth saying again ... The bond between a parent and child is so strong, that is why God chose to use that relationship to demonstrate the magnitude of His love for us.  When He gave up His own Son, Jesus, to die on the cross to redeem us from our sin, He was illustrating the highest form of love.

Honestly, I had never thought about it in that way before.  But, wow, does it make God's gift of His Son just that much more meaningful.  And it makes me that much more grateful!

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life."  John 3:16


Joni said...

The preacher is right on and only those of us who have lost a child understand. But like you Jill, I never related it to God giving up his son for our sins. WOW!!

The Sullivan Four said...

It was quite an epiphany for me, Joan ... Made me realize how much I take His sacrifice for granted!

Unknown said...

Wow... It really IS the highest form of love, really a beautiful way of looking at it. I struggle though with understanding how this felt to God, as He was divine. What does this feel like when you are divine and you KNOW that the end result is that you will be with your son...We clearly know what having our hearts ripped from our chests feels like as humans, with no clear picture of what is to come...Was it the same for Him who was all knowing? Wondering...
This picture of your sweet girls moves me so deeply....