Sunday, June 14, 2009

Hannah Update 2.21.09

We've had a very busy day full of visits and company today. Hannah has sat up, eaten, and talked some today, but has really not rested very well. This evening we asked the nurse to give her something to help her relax, which she did about 30 minutes ago, and now she is sleeping soundly. The best news of the day is that we were able to share Hannah's story and the peace that He's given us all with three members of our extended family who have now made decisions for Christ. Please pray that they will follow God's leadership in their lives and grow in their faith. This is yet another answer to Hannah's prayer. To God be the glory! He is good, all the time!

The surprise phone call I mentioned yesterday has not yet taken place, but we are still expecting it some time over the weekend....we'll let you know the details later.

Jill & Brad

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